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Vertrouwen “Het vertrouwen in de politiek neemt af. 51% heeft voldoende vertrouwen in de Tweede Kamer (was 55%), 48% in de regering (was 54%). Onder diegenen die in 2012 op GroenLinks/d66, vvd of cda stemden, ligt het vertrouwen in de regering boven de 50%. Onder toenmalige aanhangers van sp en pvv is dat minder dan 30%.”
Behold Billie In “Lady Day: A Major American Musician and Recording Artist of the Twentieth Century,”Jacqueline Birdsong-Johnson cites Holiday’s voice as nothing short of groundbreaking. “Prior to jazz ensemble recordings with Billie as lead vocalist,” she explains, “jazz artists were only envisioned to be instrumentalists.”
Slow start “The 2016 presidential campaign has gotten off to a slow start with voters. A majority of registered voters (58%) say they have given at least some thought to candidates who may run for president in 2016, but that is 10 points lower than at a comparable point in the 2008 campaign – the last time both parties had contested nominations.”
Onderzoeksjournalistiek “I spoke with Hersh about why he went to My Lai, the state of investigative reporting, and how, as a reporter for The New York Times in a different era, he could fly to Paris on a moment’s notice to pursue a story. I also approached New Yorker editor David Remnick for his thoughts on the role of Hersh’s brand of slow, painstaking, investigations in the current age of journalism.”